13 Effective Ways to Become Pregnant
Posted on December 27, 2015
in Uncategorized

When you and your partner have mutually agreed it is time to start a family or add another baby to the family, it is helpful to review the factors that can enhance your fertility and get you into pregnancy fast.
Here are effective tips from gynecologists, reproductive endocrinologists and midwives on how to effectively achieve pregnancy at the time you want it.
- Undergo preconception counseling. It is best to involve a medical professional in your plans to have a baby. They have experience and expertise and it is smart to consult them and heed their advice. Your healthcare provider will determine your medical history and current conditions you may have that may get in way of your successfully conceiving and pregnancy. The doctor may perform a series of gynecological examinations that may include blood test, genetic test, rubella immunity test and test for sexually transmitted disease. Your doctor will also most likely prescribe vitamins and folic acid for you to take.
- Give up birth control methods in advance. Some birth control methods like the use of Depo-Provera tend to delay your normal fertility some time after you have stopped using them.
- Chart your ovulation. The time window for conceiving a baby is limited so it is helpful to know when you ovulate to take advantage of the small window of opportunity.
- Check your body basal temperature. Monitor your body basal temperature using a basal thermometer for a few months to establish the pattern of your ovulation. The changes in your body temperature correlate directly with your ovulation. You can effectively determine when you should have sex to catch the opportunity for conceiving.
- Use a fertility monitor. Though more expensive, a fertility monitor can be helpful in identifying up to six of your most fertile days. The monitor is recommended for women whose menstrual cycles are between 21 and 42 days.
- Utilize an ovulation predictor kit. The kit works by predicting your ovulation through detecting luteinizing hormone surge in your urine, which is also correlated with your ovulation.
- Have sex at the proper ovulation period. Having sex either daily or every other day five days before you ovulate is the best timing to let your man’s sperm meet with your egg cells.
- Do not worry about not having orgasm. Orgasm is not a prerequisite to conception, so do not worry that you do not achieve it, as long as the timing for your sexual encounter is right.
- Avoid lubrication. It may be good to skip the use of lubrication as some lubricants can be toxic to the sperm cells. Try to go for foreplay that will bring about natural lubrication.
- Control alcohol intake. There are studies indicating a higher risk of infertility for women drinking at least two glasses of alcoholic drinks in a day.
- Quit smoking. Smoking can negatively affect your fertility as well as your future baby.
- Take caffeine moderately. Drinking up to five cups of coffee a day has been linked to decreased fertility.
- Eat a healthy diet. Eat a well-balanced diet and avoid seafood with high mercury levels as these foods have been associated with infertility.
Have fun and relax to better prepare you and your partner to the important task ahead of you. By following these important pieces of advice, you increase the odds of having a successful conception and pregnancy in your favor.