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Flushing Out Menopausal Hot Flashes

Posted on December 12, 2015 in Uncategorized

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Menopause is the time in a woman’s life where she stops ovulating or producing eggs. At this time, hormones are going crazy, adjusting to this new condition. This version of raging hormones, in later life, causes a lot of conditions all too common for people living with menopausal women – being irritable, drying of the skin, and hot flashes. This host of physical and psychological conditions has caused a lot of menopausal women to seek treatment, often in the form of hormone-replacement therapy and other alternatives.

Hormone-Replacement Therapy

Hormone-replacement therapy is straightforward enough. Hormones taken in are designed to make up for the reduced estrogen output of women and alleviate the nasty symptoms associated with menopause. However, according to a Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study, hormone-replacement therapy has been controversially linked with an increased risk for breast cancer, and was found to increase the risk for heart attack for smoking women. Thus, the interest is in finding alternative therapies from natural sources.

Chiropractic Treatment

While hormone-replacement therapy is an excellent alternative, it may come with some medical risks. Another treatment option that you may look into for hot flashes relief is chiropractic care. Aside from hot flashes, chiropractic procedure can also cure other menopausal symptoms, such as anxiety, irritability, mood swings, mental and physical exhaustion, sleep disorders, urinary tract symptoms, and dryness of the vagina.

Chiropractic care can also help during perimenopause, so that menopausal symptoms can be reduced or avoided altogether.

Other Ways to Prevent Hot Flashes

Older alternatives for hot flash relief include a list of natural remedies – ranging from vitamins, minerals, and herbs, to various supplements containing plant estrogens or phyloestrogens. In fact, phyloestrogens have been popular substitutes for standard hormones. Some women also take vitamin E for hot flashes, while others swear to exotic alternatives such as flaxseed, red clover, wild yam, and black cohosh.

However, there is little hard evidence to support the use of most hot-flash remedies sold in the market. The only exemption seems to be on the side of soy supplements. Substances found in soy called isoflavones have been scientifically tested, with mixed results. On the good side, it has been shown in an Italian-based research that soy isoflavones show a 45% reduction in hot flashes. On the other side, it has been found out that placebos have the same effect. Also, while moderate consumption of soy isoflavones are safe, high concentrations found in marketed supplements could be linked to the promotion of breast tumors.

So, what could be the most sensible thing to do amidst these pieces of evidence? Women must be able to view all their options and consult a doctor before taking any treatment. For herbal supplements, it is better to look at the evidence and take them in moderation.