The Truth about Your Monthly Period: Debunking the Myths
Posted on December 29, 2015
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With the many tales your mother and your friends tell you about your monthly period, do you still know what to believe in and reject? Know these menstruation facts and fiction!
Many beliefs and superstitions abound in relation to a woman’s monthly period. While some are true, many others are not. Take a look at the following article and learn to separate fact from fiction about the monthly menstrual period of women.
Menstruation Fiction: What You Shouldn’t Believe In
- You can never get pregnant during a period. It may be improbable, but there is always a chance for a woman to get pregnant, especially near the end of the menstrual period. Unprotected sex also increases a woman’s chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
- You should not take a bath during a period. It is important to keep one’s self clean and fresh, especially when having a period. Enough said.
- Get lots of rest during your period. While resting can help you soothe menstrual symptoms such as cramps and nausea, no one is preventing you from exercising or moving around. Being active is also a good way to control pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms and cramps as it increases oxygen supply to your muscles.
- You can tell who is having a period. At any given time, about one-fourth of the entire female population at the age of 10 to 50 would be getting a period. It is not as if these people have a special mark on their heads or something to tell others that they are menstruating! This belief is entirely false.
- Don’t go swimming during a period. If you are thinking about the mess you might make underwater, don’t worry. Just wear a tampon while swimming and you would be just fine.
Menstruation Facts: What You Should Keep In Mind
- Sugar can worsen your symptoms. This can either exacerbate your menstrual symptoms or worsen the bloating feeling associated with menstruation. So do cut down on sweets and salty food. Lessening sugar intake is also associated with diminished severity of emotional symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, and depression.
- Several small meals can help regulate your blood sugar during menstruation. This also keeps mood swings to a minimum and reduces bloating.
- Eating a low fat diet helps reduce symptoms associated with your monthly period. Studies have demonstrated that a low fat diet reduces severity of symptoms such as menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, bloating, and localized swelling.
- Salt can lead to bloating. Absolutely true, as salt increases water retention that causes bloating. Consume less salt, and if you feel really bloated, switch to a low-salt diet.
A woman’s monthly period can be troublesome, especially if the symptoms are noticeable. However, before believing anything anyone says, make sure that they are proven. Otherwise, you might be dealing with something that is not really a problem to begin with.