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Facing the Ugly Truth: Why Some Women Can’t Bear a Child

Posted on December 15, 2015 in Uncategorized



If you think that incontinence only happen to men, think again. Women suffer from this misfortune, too. Learn more about stress urinary incontinence in women.

Incontinence in Women

Women are at risk for developing Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), a condition defined as the involuntary loss of urine caused by an activity that puts pressure in the abdominal area.

Women who are suffering from SUI are usually of older age, such as women nearing menopause, or postmenopausal women. Incontinence is also exacerbated by obesity, diabetes, and smoking. Women who gave undergone numerous childbirths are also prone to SUI, although women who haven’t borne children are not exempted.

Women are probably prone to SUI after childbirth. Numerous changes in a woman’s body as she becomes pregnant and gives birth makes her pre-disposed to develop incontinence. In pregnancy, the weight of the fetus puts pressure on a woman’s bladder, causing the sphincter to relax and open involuntarily. This results in the release of urine during times of physical exertion. This is further compounded by prolonged labor that oftentimes injures the muscles of the pelvis. Lacerations from giving birth also weaken the ligaments in the pelvis, causing a general weakening of the muscles that control urination.

Prevention and Treatment for SUI

For these women, a simple solution that will improve continence is by undergoing Kegel exercises. The Kegel exercises strengthen a woman’s pelvic floor which includes the bladder, urethra, vagina, uterus, and rectum. This is done though sitting at a toilet bowl and urinating, and then stopping the flow of urine midway, and holding it. Doing this in several repetitions and isolation of the right muscles can strengthen the pelvic floor and improve urination.

Women undergoing menopause often experience SUI symptoms caused by hormone deficiency. These women may consider undergoing a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to improve their continence, although they should also be ready for the risks it may bring. Another alternative one can engage in is chiropractic treatment.

However, if all else fails, surgery could be the last resort in order to improve continence. In all cases, however, it is helpful to consult a doctor so he or she can recommend treatments that are responsive to your condition.